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Discover new insights

Use natural language to interact with harmonized technical, operations, and experience data to draw new correlated insights.

Get answers faster

Quickly ask Tenor AI™ questions about your contact center that would otherwise require interaction with Operata curated dashboards.

Pinpoint CX issues

Follow a line of questioning to drill down and "triangulate" on root causes of known and unknown CX issues.


GPT-style user experience for data interaction


Ask Operata anything about your contact center.

Natural language data interaction

Ask Operata anything about your contact center performance, using open-ended natural language to interact with Tenor AI™.

Suggested Tenor AI™ prompts

Tenor AI™ will automatically suggest prompts you can use to interact with Operata data and gain new insights into contact center performance.

Chat sessions with Tenor AI™

Converse with Tenor AI™ in a GPT-style chat session so that you can refine your prompts and accelerate your data exploration.

Large Language Model (LLM)

Tenor AI™ uses an LLM approach that doesn't share your data, it securely retains your data in Operata Platform.

“Operata helped us troubleshoot
errors and understand the
impact of remediation actions.”

Alex Seng, Business Analyst, Everlight Radiology

Read the Full Case Study

Combining GenAI and machine learning
with proprietary data and algorithms.

AI Featured Insights

Curated insights and recommended actions to improve key metrics.

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AX Copilot

Proactively recommend best practices for Agents to improve CX on-the-fly.

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